Espoma 1 cu. ft. Bag Land & Sea Gourmet Compost

Espoma 1 cu. ft. Bag Land & Sea Gourmet Compost


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Espoma Organic Land and Sea Gourmet Compost is a special blend of the finest ingredients available. It combines peat and humus from the land and crab and lobster shells from the sea to create a high-quality finished compost.

This surf and turf compost is formulated to be used during initial planting and transplanting. Add it to ground soil or containers and boost growth of any plant or vegetable. Espoma Land and Sea is a 100% organic compost soil that includes their proprietary Myco-Tone™ blend to improve root growth and drought resistance. We guarantee the best price on all-natural compost.

Espoma Land and Sea Compost Features:

  • Size: 1 cubic foot (25.71 dry quarts)
  • For Use On: For flowers, vegetables, trees and shrubs.
  • When to Use: Use to improve native soils prior to planting.
  • How to Apply: Mix or rototill compost with the existing soil to a depth of 4-6 inches. Mix soil well. Level with rake.
  • pH-adjusted using limestone

How To Use Espoma Organic Land and Sea

  • New Garden Beds: Add 2 to 3 inches of Espoma Organic Land and Sea Gourmet Compost to your garden area. Add the appropriate amount of Bio-tone Starter Plus for the area. Mix or rototill compost with the existing soil to a depth of 4-6 inches. Mix the soil well, then level with a rake. Plant seeds or live plants fallowing package directions or tag instructions. Water thoroughly after planting, then daily as needed until plants are established. Begin a regular fertilizer program 30 days after planting with the appropriate Espoma Tone Plant Food.
  • Planting Trees and Shrubs: Dig a hole as deep as the root ball and twice as wide. Place the plant in the hole so that it is sitting at or above the same depth that it was previously growing (Use soil mark on trunk as a guide). Add Espoma Organic Land and Sea Gourmet Compost to the native soil so that the soil to backfill the hole is equal parts native soil and compost. Add the appropriate amount of Bio-tone Starter Plus. Fill the hole with amended soil. Pack firmly, soak it with water and allow to settle. Add additional soil if needed.


  • Ingredients: This product is regionally formulated from 35-45% aged forest products, sphagnum peat moss, humus, limestone to adjust pH, lobster meal & crab meal.
  • Active Ingredients:
    • Ectomycorrhizal Fungi: A total of 131.38 propagules/cc (3.7 million propagules per cubic foot) of the following four species: Pisiolithus tinctorius (105.66), Rhizopogon luteolus (8.57), Rhizopogon roseolus (8.57), Scleroderma citrinum (4.29), Scleroderma verrucosum (4.29)
    • Endomycorrhizal Fungi: A total of 0.072 propagules/cc (2,040 propagules per cubic foot) of the following four species: Rhizophagus irregularis (0.018), Septoglomus deserticola (0.018), Claroideoglomus etunicatum (0.018), Funneliformis mosseae (0.018)

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